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This website is a very personal project of mine, as it is my goal and wish to cure my Hashimoto's through nutrition. I have read a whole lot on the topic and have had multiple doctors appointments. It would now seem selfish of me not to share the little knowledge I have with others who might be going through a similar journey as me. A little back story: My grandma discovered my hyperthyroidism at the age of 13 after pressing her hand onto my chest only to find ridiculously accelerated heartbeats. I was medicated a high dose of levothyroxine and, needless to say, I went from 85 pounds to 110 pounds in no time. This was an indicator that I had transitioned to hypothyroidism (a less dangerous form of thyroiditis). Fast forward 7 years and this hypo is now Hashimoto's.

A change in one's diet is imperative in order to treat Hashimoto's: avoiding gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye and barley) is the first step. I have tried hard to go a 100% gluten free since September of 2015, however, I am not perfect and have given into temptation a few times along the way. The first time I was asked by a doctor to suspend gluten from my diet, I did not know the exact consequences that eating gluten had on my system. After reading a few books about the topic, I started to understand that gluten is not the best protein out there and, in fact, is toxic for people with Hashimoto's. For someone with Hashimoto's, gluten makes the system auto-attack itself; more specifically, attack your thyroid. Eating gluten may lead to the complete destruction of the thyroid. And we all know how important this hormone is. Learning this made me realise that what seemed to me as trying hard to avoid gluten was hardly trying. I didn't have to try, I had to do it.

So welcome to my journey! I hope it helps in leading you faster to your destination.



Get 2 slices of bread, one banana, and a knife.



Slice banana into tiny pieces while bread is toasting. 



The bread is ready. Put banana in-between the breads.



Bon appetite!

© 2016 by Fitlosophy

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