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For the longest time, I have been asking friends who travel to Europe to please bring me Milka. Last December. A couple of years ago, Milka was exclusively sold in Europe (also in small European shops in US and Canada). If I ever encountered with a Milka bar in my country, its price would be ridiculously higher than what it costs in Europe. Therefore, I found that the best option was pleading people to bring me Milka from their trips.

I am a 100% chocaholic at this point. I have tried most American chocolates, most Danish chocolates, and most Swedish chocolates. Yes, I am a self-proclaimed chocolate connoisseur in the making. Now, because I am gluten sensitive, I read every single food label of every single thing that I put in my mouth. So I know what the usual ingredients of chocolates are. Right off the top of my head: cocoa mass, cocoa solid, sugar, soy lecitine, vanilla flavour, and some kind of oil. I know enough about the ingredients in the chocolate bars I eat that I have learned that I don't need to ask anyone to bring me Milka from their trips anymore. First, because Milka is now sold in more stores around the US and Canada, and second, because the alternative to Milka is Cadbury, which is widely sold in America. So, how can a Cadbury bar equal to a Milka bar? Exhibit A: Both chocolate bars are made out of the same ingredients. The only exception being that Milka uses hazelnut paste and Cadbury doesn't.

Exhibit B: If you take a closer look on the bottom right corner of the back of both chocolate bars, you will notice that they read "Mondelez". Both chocolates are owned by the same company, which also owns Marabou and Toblerone.

Knowing this, I feel that it is super unnecessary to buy order European chocolate via Amazon, as I can find cheaper alternatives (Cadbury!) at my nearest convenience store.

For the record, both brands are gluten free!



Get 2 slices of bread, one banana, and a knife.


Slice banana into tiny pieces while bread is toasting. 


The bread is ready. Put banana in-between the breads.


Bon appetite!

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