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Valentine's Day is on the way and it sure must be difficult not knowing what to get for your significant other, who happens to be gluten intolerant. Here are a few ideas of what they could absolutely love and absolutely eat without getting an awful post-Valentine's experience, if you know what I mean...

1. Craft A Brew Gluten-Free Beer Making Kit

Say whaaaat? Perfect gift for your beer-lover lover. Not only do you have a gift but the perfect drink to go with your romantic dinner.

More info here.

2. Coconut Macaroon Box

Coconut macaroons are not only tiny and cute, they are usually also gluten free. Also, they tend to come in dozens. Yum.

Find the recipe here or order them here.

3. Gluten Detector

If you are planning to take your Boo to dine out, make sure to bring this little thingy. Not only is is symmetrical and compact, but it could be a life saviour.

Not sure if that edamame has traceable amounts of gluten in it? Don't risk it and buy Nima here.

4. Coffee Mug

You might be thinking: "A mug is obviously gluten less". While that is true, it's also true that a box of chocolate is still just a bunch of chocolates in a box ('kay, my point here is that the message is what counts).

Find a very cute mug with a GF message here.

5. Popcorn Tin

Beware popcorn lovers. This website could give you an eye-gasm.

Find the perfect tin here.

If you live in Toronto, you can find my fav popcorn shop here.

6. French Macaroons

This recipe simply calls for sugar, almonds, egg whites and often cream. And there are plenty of flavours to choose from. Again, macaroons are small and cute, and they could never go wrong.

If you want to play it safe, go here.

7. Conversation Hearts

Great if you are the shy kind of lover. These candies are great conversation starters. Well, not really but at least you can read them out loud to your Valentines and pretend that you are giving them a great advice.

If you can't find Conversational Hearts at a local store, find them here.

8. Rose Bouquet

A timeless gift that also happens to be extremely beautiful. Although men don't usually express it, roses are the gift they secretly wish they had.

Find a timeless and 100% GF bouquet here.

9. Gluten Free Kisses

I am talking about literal kisses. If you consume gluten, make sure that you wash, brush, floss, and flush your teeth before kissing Your Love.

If a kiss is too premature for the relationship (or you are not in a relationship as of today), your answer might be here.

10. Listen To Your Heart

Be thoughtful and creative. If you know your GF Valentine well enough, you will most likely not need my advice on this matter!



Get 2 slices of bread, one banana, and a knife.



Slice banana into tiny pieces while bread is toasting. 



The bread is ready. Put banana in-between the breads.



Bon appetite!

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