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I should have known it sooner, but I didn't: corn tortillas are gluten free.

This discovery was made 2 days ago, when I was craving Mexican food like crazy and decided to order it online. I went for the taco salad, which came with tortillas on the side. I was planning on giving the tortillas to my friend but, suddenly, I came to realise that tortillas are made out of corn and corn does not contain gluten. So decided to google "Are Tortilla Chips GF?". Aside from the fact that there is a big chance of cross-contamination in the kitchen where they were cooked in, corn tortillas are naturally gluten free.

I decided to eat them and had no stomach pains the next morning. I would advise, however, not to eat tortilla chips that are not packaged. Basically, stick to Tostitos or Doritos, which are gluten free certified. Here's a list of safe toppings you can eat your tortillas with.


Pico de Gallo


Black Beans (request them to be made without pasta bits)

Taco Meat (ask about the ingredients in the sauce)

Cheddar Cheese (if you are lactose tolerant)

Fajitas (request they make it with corn tortilla)

That's it, you are good to go.



Get 2 slices of bread, one banana, and a knife.



Slice banana into tiny pieces while bread is toasting. 



The bread is ready. Put banana in-between the breads.



Bon appetite!

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